8M/M in recurring revenue: GoHighLevel software is a unicorn in the industry.

By | July 17, 2023

GHL is a unicorn…

Check this out:

– 26,000 members x $300 = **$7.8M/M**
– $7.8M/M x 12 months = **$93.6M/Y**
– 93.6M/Y x multiple of 10 = **$1B**

Lets create baby unicorns…

– 260 members x $300 = **$78,000/M**
– $78,000/M x 12 months = **$936,000/Y**
– 936,000/Y x multiple of 10 = **$10M **

**GHL is a generational wealth factory. Let's gooo!**

The original post in the GoHighLevel Official Facebook group discusses the financial potential of the GoHighLevel CRM software. The author calculates the potential revenue by multiplying the number of members (26,000) by the monthly fee ($300), resulting in a monthly revenue of $7.8 million. They then multiply this by 12 months to estimate an annual revenue of $93.6 million. To further emphasize the profitability, they multiply the annual revenue by a factor of 10, arriving at a billion-dollar valuation for GoHighLevel.

The post also considers the potential for individuals to create their own wealth using GoHighLevel. By scaling down the calculations with fewer members (260), the author suggests that even smaller user bases can generate significant income. They calculate a monthly revenue of $78,000 and an annual revenue of $936,000, which can then be multiplied by 10 for a valuation of $10 million.

While the calculations presented in the post highlight the financial opportunities associated with GoHighLevel, it's important to note that these numbers are speculative and based on hypothetical scenarios. Actual revenue and valuations will depend on various factors such as the number of paid users and the pricing structure.

For more insights and possible responses to the topic, it is recommended to read the comments below the article or check the source link provided.


27 thoughts on “8M/M in recurring revenue: GoHighLevel software is a unicorn in the industry.

  1. Andy Le

    Where did you get calculate the multiple 10 from?

    Are you eluding to $10m company exit value potential?

  2. Edward Haskins

    Plus, how many of those 26,000 accounts came via affiliates who receive 40% commission?

    Flawed calculation for sure.

  3. Carlos Campos Pineda

    Isn’t it $497 and not $300? Also you mean 26,000 bc there’s 26K members in here? I got me and my 2 account specialists here, I’m assuming other people do as well, what about the churn rate? Etc etc

  4. JaRon Walters

    Regardless of numbers not 100% accurate ghl is still allowing us to build generational wealth on their platform

  5. Alecsander Roy

    If you’re struggling with churn as much as some of you are saying, you need to find your competitive advantage and check in with your people. Some of the rates mentioned are INSANE

  6. Mike Moore

    Hyperbole makes baby Jesus cry. You don’t get a 10x multiple unless you have a great brand and IP value. If you can justify a 10x multiple, your valuable IP won’t be the white labeled GHL part of the stack.

  7. Rebecca Kallaus

    GHL is pretty great even when math is done reasonably…

    No need to inflate things, math is a beautiful thing to be conducted honestly – something as solid as GHL still comes out as straight fire without embellishment…..

    I do pro formas just for enjoyable weekend fun – I love doing this kind of math, but it is just as fun when you run actual calculations versus fabricated figures 🤷‍♀️

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