**It's 100% FREE – NO STRINGS ATTACHED** Get your Level 1 course from The Academy For HighLevel
**Coupon Code:** LEVEL1
**Visit: **[https://TheGHLAcademy.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2FTheGHLAcademy.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0a0GaNOLhYJyYLMez84bvzFxlhjEc3XTvbDE9VXI0amdIf4Eew85YQCnQ&h=AT1d7C5_gFaXNRnZdNR9XGBNPoN5ay93OyCkM84elMqWbwlE7j4CGhZOoPGeUq2_Tnm7BL08RPfiRbcUfXb3UwgNdprMmkOa5-YpZSxPlfhsqwKyjCFAzcVghp2C3nKjCw&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1p7wUD4Wiv0Sn8Fvv-8BmzuSQ6RaV25V5G6bi6dFdcfbtDt7DKtAKYgeQZShitlrV2I6vidsq2uOLd1qY6E9BURqEJ9ATusKFft3qZ-Qg0Dv5dKXvn24BNbKM2hnCt9X8HI4h7C4bp7EY69ah40-5h9B0bUgyR5fRLqeBP3AFDYmM0hpqfJSHoup9v72HjJgUt1PJPzLiNaLfGtMA2DF9As0aEhFsObQ)
**LIMIT:** First 100
**Required Action:** You have to comment below letting me know that you grabbed yours and YOU ARE COMMITTED to completing it. REMEMBER just getting something doesn't mean you have learned. and **Learning IS THE MOST IMPORTANT part of Success.**
From my entire team we are wishing you the best in your journey to be a successful SaaSPrenuer and we hope our Level 1 course helps you in your journey.
Cheers to Success
The original post in the “GHL Experts” Facebook group is promoting a Level 1 course from The Academy For HighLevel. The course is being offered for free with a coupon code “LEVEL1,” but it is limited to the first 100 people who claim it. The post emphasizes the importance of committing to completing the course, as just obtaining the material does not guarantee learning. The team behind the course wishes the participants success in their journey to becoming successful SaaSPrenuers.
As an expert on GoHighLevel CRM software, I can confirm that The Academy For HighLevel offers valuable courses that can enhance users' understanding and proficiency of the platform. The Level 1 course is likely designed to provide a foundational knowledge of GoHighLevel's features and functionalities. It is an excellent opportunity for individuals who are new to the software or looking to expand their knowledge.
For more information and updates on the Level 1 course, I encourage readers to check the comments section of this article or visit the source link provided. It is essential to stay informed and take advantage of such valuable resources in order to maximize results and success with GoHighLevel.
WHAT?!?! This is CRAZY! I spent $1500 on this course for me and my team. Getting it for free is nuts…… but I will say the course is excellent and totally improved our skillz with GHL. People should snatch this up ASAP!!
Legggo for it!!!!
What an amazing deal!
Got it!
Got it!
I am committed
Awesome 👍
Thank you 🙂
grabbed mine. Thanks!
I entered the coupon code Level1 and it applied the $299 credit, but your form still required me to enter my credit card number. Definitely not comfortable providing that to you especially after it says I have $0 due, there’s no reason you need to have my card number on file. Can you please change this part of your workflow and update us when you do so we can claim this offer without having to provide our credit card number.
I’m in & committed! Thanks Beant Singh & team! 👊 🙏
Got it. Thank you!
I’m interested!
Got it! Thank you and yes I am committed to finishing the course.
I am committed
Yes Please! 😁
I’m interested! How to get it
Holy Moly! Just when I decided to enroll myself, you’ve dropped this bomb offer! Thanks a bunch, Beant Singh
Got it Thanks!
I am Commited
Got it!
I’ve registered my new starter! thanks so much! she starts Monday!
As anyone else having trouble finding the actual academy? I can only login to the ghl 101 and the quick start courses