Exploring the Capabilities of Voicemail Drops with GoHighLevel Software

By | July 20, 2023

I've been trying to understand and learn more about voicemail drops a bit more lately.
Is it illegal to send voicemail drops to people that haven't opted in to being called (prospects)? Or does it only need to be used with previous customers/leads only?
Any insight is greatly appreciated!

The original post in the GoHighLevel Official Facebook group is asking for clarification regarding the legality of sending voicemail drops to individuals who have not given their consent to be called. The user wants to understand if voicemail drops can only be used with previous customers or leads, or if they can also be used with prospects who haven't opted in.

In relation to GoHighLevel software, voicemail drops are a feature that allows users to leave pre-recorded voicemails in bulk on the phones of their contacts. It is essential to ensure that any communication sent through GoHighLevel complies with applicable laws and regulations.

When it comes to the legality of sending voicemail drops, it ultimately depends on the specific laws and regulations governing telemarketing and communications in the user's jurisdiction. It is crucial to understand the rules and regulations relevant to the user's location and industry when utilizing the voicemail drop feature in GoHighLevel.

While I can't provide specific legal advice on this matter, it is generally safer and more compliant to restrict voicemail drops to previous customers or leads who have already expressed consent or have an existing business relationship. This helps to minimize the risk of violating any regulations.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal requirements and best practices for voicemail drops using GoHighLevel, I encourage readers to refer to the comments section below this article or check the source link provided for further responses and updates on the topic. It is always recommended to consult with legal professionals or reach out to GoHighLevel support for specific guidance on complying with regulations in your jurisdiction.


6 thoughts on “Exploring the Capabilities of Voicemail Drops with GoHighLevel Software

  1. Dean Bozzano

    yes in November of last year the FCC ruled that you must get consent to deliver ringless voicemail

  2. Troy Ortega

    Voicemail drops are not illegal. Ringless voicemail is robocalling. Are you talking about ringless vm drop?

  3. CC Burgess

    In this Declaratory Ruling and Order, we find that “ringless voicemail” to wireless
    phones requires consumer consent because it is a “call” made using an artificial or prerecorded voice and
    thus is covered by section 227(b)(1)(A)(iii) of the 1991 Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).1

    We therefore deny a request from All About the Message, LLC (AATM)2
    to declare that ringless
    voicemail is not subject to section 227(b)(1)(A)(iii) of the TCPA and the Commission’s implementing
    rules. We also deny AATM’s alternative request for a retroactive waiver of our rules.

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